'A Beacon of Hope: 140 years of eye care in the Holy Land' explains the history of the St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group.
Written by: Matthew Glozier, Ian Howie-Willis, and John Pearn
£36 paperback copy
The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of St John of Jerusalem established an Eye Hospital in the Holy Land in 1882. Since then, it has treated thousands of people in need of its services.
The St John of Jerusalem Eye Hospital Group is one of the world's most significant specialised ophthalmic institutions. The Hospital has always been run by the Order of St John, a British Royal Order of Chivalry. During the twenty-first century, the Hospital has become the centre of three satellite eye hospitals, and this is the base for outreach clinics and mobile ophthalmic services.
The Hospital's staff comprise the practitioners of many professions and ancillary support personnel. Through its services, the Hospital has preserved the sight of millions of people throughout the region, and it has restored the sight of many hundreds of thousands of patients.
The Hospital's health care professionals often worked under conditions of great difficulty in this historic region. At all stages of the Hospital's development, their endeavours have always been made possible through the altruistic support of many, many thousands of Order of St John members around the world. Amazingly, the Hospital has always functioned as a charitable institution - it provides its sight-saving services free of charge. This is how it began and what it remains.
This book tells the story of the Hospital and its staff over the past 140 years of its unique existence.